Carl Gardner
April 8, 2008
An interesting post at EU Law Blog about last week’s ECJ judgment in this case, about survivors’ pension and sexuality discrimination. It’s amazing, I always think, how fundamental EC discrimination law – human rights law, you might call […]
Carl Gardner
January 28, 2008
New appointees to the High Court bench are, it turns out, embarrassingly white, male, public-schooly and barristerial. I wish I could argue that true appointment on merit may or may not result in more black and women appointees, more […]
Carl Gardner
January 18, 2008
The Court of Appeal gave judgment yesterday in an interesting disability discrimination case about mental illness.
Elizabeth McDougall applied for a job at the college in 2005, and got it – subject to medical checks. But when those […]
Carl Gardner
October 16, 2007
In its judgment today in case C-411/05 Palacios de la Villa , the ECJ has ruled that Directive 2000/78, which outlaws discrimination on grounds of age, does not prevent member states from legislating so as to permit compulsory […]
Carl Gardner
May 23, 2007
Nearly Legal – an excellent blawg with particular strength in housing law – wrote interestingly the other day about Margaret Hodge’s comment about economic migrants and access to social housing.
Carl Gardner
February 14, 2007
Today Le Monde reports that the Cour d’Appel in Amiens in northern France has ruled that a child can be adopted by the lesbian civil partner of his birth mother. The two women have been in a
Carl Gardner
January 29, 2007
So, there was third way of sorts, but only in the sense that catholic adoption agencies have
time to get used to the non-discriminatory future.I have to say I think this whole episode has been a communications […]
Carl Gardner
January 24, 2007
None of us have seen a draft of these regulations yet, but no doubt a draft exists somewhere on a PC belonging to some lawyer in the Department for Communities and Local Government. One thing’s for sure: the exact wording […]