The “Islam4UK” banning order
In case you’re interested, here’s the order, made under section 3(6) of the Terrorism Act 2000, by means of which Alan Johnson has banned “Islam4UK” under several alternative names. The Order was made on Monday, which suggests it was drafted last week – clearly in response to Anjem Choudary’s threat of a march in Wootton Bassett.
Proscribed Organisations (Name Changes) Order 2010, SI 2010/34
Thanks to Tim Swain.
A possibly interesting question (or possibly one which shows how crazily pedantic the legal mind can be) is what if any difference it makes if Choudary runs the London School of Shariah rather than, as the order proscribes, the London School of Sharia. I think the answer must be that it makes little difference, because of section 3(9) of the 2000 Act.