Carl Gardner
November 22, 2012
The Justice Secretary’s Commons statement on prisoners’ votes today was interesting in more ways than one.
First, he’s chosen to put forward a draft bill for pre-legislative scrutiny – rather than a fully-fledged bill. I’m not sure why that’s necessary: when […]
Carl Gardner
November 20, 2012
Here’s the transcript of Danny Nightingale’s Court Martial earlier this month, which was published on the Judiciary’s website. I’m grateful to John Moss for drawing it to my attention.
Carl Gardner
November 20, 2012
Since my last post on Danny Nightingale I’ve been in touch with his solicitor, Simon McKay. I asked him what he thought about the Attorney’s response to Philip Hammond, and he replied:
My view is that the AG has the ability […]
Carl Gardner
November 20, 2012
The Attorney General Dominic Grieve has been criticised for refusing to intervene in the case of Danny Nightingale, a soldier who pleaded guilty at a Court Martial recently to illegal possession of a gun and ammunition. Apparently Danny Nightingale’s […]
Carl Gardner
November 15, 2012
On Monday evening Arden LJ gave the UK Association for European Law’s annual address, at King’s College, London. You can read the speech in the window below.
She makes a number of interesting points about differences between the way different […]
Carl Gardner
November 13, 2012
I spoke to Charon QC earlier today, for the seventh report of his Law Tour. Unsurprisingly we spoke about Abu Qatada, the big legal story of the week and something that’s been on my mind since his […]
Carl Gardner
November 12, 2012
Abu Qatada has won his appeal against the Home Secretary Theresa May’s refusal to revoke the fresh deportation order she issued in his case this April, following assurances she’d received from the Jordanian government about his retrial, if and […]
Carl Gardner
November 7, 2012
Earlier I posted Clive Stafford Smith’s response to my piece yesterday about what I called “Reprieve’s dodgy press release”. I said I’d set out my own comments on his response in a separate post – and here they are.
First, […]
Carl Gardner
November 7, 2012
Following my post yesterday which was critical of Reprieve’s press release about the recent Rahmatullah case in the Supreme Court, Reprieve’s Director Clive Stafford Smith has contacted me to respond.
I’ll set out my own comments on his response […]
Carl Gardner
November 7, 2012
Last week I was invited to sit round the famous kitchen table of Legal Cheek‘s Alex Aldridge. Over about forty minutes he asked about my career, the state of legal blogging and journalism, how to start up as a […]