Extraordinary that, while I was away, the Attorney General Baroness Scotland should have come under such pressure. Now, she’s been fined for employing an illegal immigrant as her housekeeper. Here’s her apology and defence of her “technical” error. I do have some sympathy with the Attorney – she obviously trusted this woman, apparently partly because she’s married to a solicitor (a touching detail), had no reason to think she was an overstayer, and has fallen foul of the great mass of rules we all have to comply with nowadays and which are a bigger problem in my view than, say, the growth of CCTV cameras. I have the same sympathy for her as I have, say, for people who are penalised for failing to pay their tax on time, or for forgetting to renew their tax disc. What reduces my sympathy somewhat is the line of defence she’s putting out, which implies she’s been fined for failing to photocopy something, which is a bit misleading. She’s been fined under section 15 of the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 for employing an illegal immigrant – the technical bit comes in because, having failed to copy the document, she does not benefit from the statutory “excuse”.

I’m not sure she should remain as Attorney after this. But she certainly shouldn’t remain if the more serious allegation is true, that she’s been pocketing over thirty thousand pounds a year in London overnight allowances in spite of having a London home. Even if within the now notorious rules, that is scandalous – and of course there is a link, because the £5000 fine she’s paid today was all the less painful for having been so generously subsidised by the government.

Sadly, I think Gordon Brown may now be so out of touch that he stands by her in spite of everything, and simply does his government more damage. So she may yet survive, after a fashion. She certainly should go, though.
