I’m away in the Arctic for a couple of weeks, without internet access – so will be taking a break as Head of Legal.
I’m not completely taking a break from things legal, though. I’m going as part of the Nowhereisland project. Have a look at the website, see what you think – and why not sign up as a citizen?
We’ll be sailing around Svalbard and Arctic waters, and discussing how international law affects our new island micronation, and what sort of constitution it should have.
Normal legal service will be resumed on 27 September.
PS – if you need to contact me desperately, details are on my contact page.
Carl Gardner2011-09-10T17:43:13+00:00
Wow… it’s all right for some! Bring us all back an ice cube, eh? 😉
Interesting idea. The legal implications are quite interesting. While according to the UN (since the 1970s, I believe) no artificial constructs placed into the may anymore be declare a nation, for natural islands it should be theoretically possible.
However, how can a proper island move around in the sea? Shouldn’t it be somehow be connected to the ocean’s ground?
The website did not seem to give any information about this aspect