Stephen Hesford’s resignation is very unhelpful from Baroness Scotland’s point of view, and may be very dangerous, too: Gordon Brown’s entire government is a fragile rock since the failed coup earlier this summer, and he must fear that the resignation of even the lowliest government bag-carrier might set off an avalanche. Charon sees the call for her resignation as largely partisan hounding but it seems to me her staying is least defensible from a partisan Labour point of view. I’m sure Gordon Brown genuinely doesn’t want to lose her, but neither that nor her competence is the point. In one sense, this was an opportunity: she is sackable (unlike, say, important leadership rivals or potential plotters in the Commons), she has a ready replacement, and sacking her could allow Brown to grandstand his integrity for once, something he allowed David Cameron to outdo him on during the expenses scandal.

I’m sure a scalp would help the Conservatives, but surely it helps them more to have a damaged minister staying on, a story that keeps rolling and further evidence of the Prime Minister’s weakness and indecision.
