You have to hand it to Charon QC. He already writes what I think must be Britain’s most widely read law blog, and has taken a lead in establishing podcasts as a regular part of his offering. Now he’s launched insitelaw which comprises a newswire, which is full of links to law reports, blogs and all kinds of legal news and which will carry his podcasts, and a blog. He’ll also still be writing the Charon QC blawg.
How does he do all this? If that’s what Rioja does for you, I must increase my intake.
Ah… mille gracie, Head of Legal…
I seem to recall, only the other evening, at All Bar One – that we managed to drink a glass or two of Borbon’s finest!
Most enjoyable it was too.
I have been wasting my evening tonight by writing about politics…. and covering Gordon’s spectacular ability to be a completely useless prime minister.
Speak anon… we shall meet on the field of the cloth of gold soon and rink good European wines again… most enjoyable.
I popped over to Geeklawyer’s nightclub on the net… and raised the matter of the 2nd Annual Law Blogger’s Conference 🙂
Have a good weekend. As you may have gathered… I am already having a reflective weekend… and it tastes good.