It’s unbelievable, this, isn’t it? This woman comes to help their kids, lets them name a nice toy bear, and for that they’re going to put her through fifteen days in prison. Perhaps the bear will be flogged.

Ms. Gibbons, the kids and the cute bear all come out of this pretty well. In fact I suggest Muhammad the bear be put in charge. Those who come out of it looking like fools are the Sudanese government, courts and legal system. And Islam and the prophet Muhammad, whom Sudanese law, not Ms. Gibbons, has made a joke of.

Worst legal system in the world? Worst legal system of the week, certainly. I’m glad David Miliband is taking a fairly hard line – but I wish he were taking harder one, to be frank. Why not send the ambassador home?

2017-03-20T04:30:09+00:00Tags: , , |