I’m delighted that representatives of lawyers throughout the world are supporting the protests led by their counterparts against martial law in Pakistan. The American Bar Association and our own Law Society and Bar Council have written to General Musharraf asking for a restoration of the Constitution (here’s Andrew Holroyd’s letter), the French Conseil National des Barreaux has written to the Pakistan Bar Council in support of the rule of law and the German Anwaltverein has expressed its support for Pakistan’s lawyers. Others showing their support are the Canadian Bar Council, the Law Council of Australia and the Commonwealth Lawyers Association.
Andrew Holroyd will also, according to a BBC report http://www.lependart.com I heard this lunchtime, be at today’s demonstration in London. Excellent.
As for what’s going on in Pakistan, I’m pleased Benazir Bhutto is clearly backing the lawyers’ protests, having tried (now she’s been allowed by the government to leave her home) to visit the legitimate Chief Justice – and that Imran Khan got away.
Finally, this story from The News suggests Musharraf is desperately scrambling around trying to recruit Supreme Court judges prepared to do his will.
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